Wednesday, November 23, 2016


OK.  I have had enough.  The sorts of injustices I have documented here sicken me -- but I have grown tired of being sickened.

One theme that has occurred over and over in what I read is the vicious circle between black and cop behaviour.  There is no doubt that blacks are often harshly treated by police and are railroaded into jail on flimsy evidence.  Some whites get similar treatment but it is rare.

So why does it happen?  Why do blacks cop so much bad treatment?  It is perfectly clear why.  Blacks are hostile to the police so the cops are hostile to blacks.  It's tit for tat.  No doubt some people will argue that the cops started it and blacks are simply retaliating but I don't think that is so.  It is very commonly reported that blacks resist arrest, sometimes very vigorously.  Many blacks do not "go quietly".  And that is a big problem to the police.  It makes them wary of blacks and resentful towards them.  They tend to "take it out" on all blacks.

And getting to the cause of the vicious circle does matter.  If it is the cops at fault, better training and supervision could presumably break the vicious circle.  But does anyone believe that will happen?  Many times when police are found to have over-reacted, stern measures have been taken within the police force concerned to prevent abuses but to what effect?  Usually none, as far as I can see.

But if black behavior is at the root of the vicious circle, how could we change that?  Blacks are clearly far more lawless than whites and cops are always going to be aware of that.  So I see little hope of improvement.  Cops are always going to be quite reasonably on hairtrigger alert when approaching a black and that trigger will sometimes be inappropriately pulled through no fault of either party.  Making cops fearful and nervous of you is seldom going to end well even when neither party has ill intent.

And when a cop has got a difficult black coralled he is going to be careless about the guilt or innocence of the alleged offender.  "He's sure to have done something" will be the thinking. So his guilt or innocence of the particular offence will be of little interest.  And it is true that most of the blacks eventually exonerated did have some criminal record at the time of the arrest.  So indifference to guilt or innocence of the offence on trial can be understood, even if it is not ideal

Through reading many years of many cases, that is my conclusion about what usually happens in miscarriages of justice.  I don't foresee much change.  The constant recurrence of the same old pattern is what tells me that nothing would be gained by my continuing this blog.  Future years are going to be much the same as past years. Nothing will really be new.

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