Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Australia: Year in jail before teen walked free

There were apparently at least four people present at the approximate time of death so police at no time had any basis for singling just one out for prosecution. Their informant could have been the guilty party

A TEENAGER suspected of murder was interviewed by police against his will and kept in a cell without a mattress or running water, an inquest has heard.

Jordan Danny Thompson, 17, spent a year in jail on remand accused of fatally stabbing a retired teacher who paid young Aboriginal men for sex. He was freed when the case against him collapsed at trial. No one else has been charged with the murder.

Counsel assisting the Coroner, Elisabeth Armitage, told the inquest yesterday the bungled murder case had prompted an internal police investigation. NT Police Commander Peter Bravos is set to give evidence into the botched investigation.

The inquest heard yesterday that Michael Condrick, 50, died of a "catastrophic haemorrhage" after being stabbed in the neck in his Katherine unit about midnight on June 21 last year. Clothing, an Xbox, iPad, phone and a backpack were stolen from the unit.

The inquest heard Mr Condrick's former students from nearby communities regularly visited his house to drink and smoke cannabis. "It appears he engaged in sexual relationships with some young men that came to his house," Ms Armitage said. None of those men were known to be under age.

Mr Thompson and Mr Condrick's lover, Samuel Wesan, 27, were in his unit on the night of the retired teacher's death. Ms Armitage told the inquest the men accused each other of murder, but the victim's blood was found on both of the men's clothing. Two days after Mr Condrick's death Mr Wesan told police Mr Thompson committed the murder and the teen was arrested.

Ms Armitage said during the investigation Mr Thompson was kept in custody for a significant period and housed in an inappropriate cell.

"There was no mattress and his water was turned off. That was initially to allow for forensic procedures but people forgot to turn it back on. Police received clear advice that he did not want to participate in interviews but interviews occurred." Some were not recorded.

Ms Armitage said it was unclear why Katherine police took charge of the murder investigation instead of the Major Crime unit. She said at the time the Major Crime unit's resources were focused on other cases.

The inquest also heard evidence from two people who discovered Mr Condrick's body. Mark Runyu and Leighton McCartney had gone to Mr Condrick's house to drink alcohol and smoke cannabis. Mr Runyu said he did not report the murder to police because he was "too scared".

Original report here

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  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    As a relative to Michael Condrick, i thank you for giving this case a mention. What a complete mess!! If only 2 peolpe couldve done it then throw them both in Jail!! Why do we even have the legal system anymore? So many loopholes, so much paperwork and no results. This whole case is being swept under the carpet while people are forgetting that a man is dead and his family need closure. Thanks for nothing NT POlice!!! You are a joke-just security guards of the top end, nothing more!!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    yes a big blunder but it will happen again up there . there is now law up there and its the biggest balls up since the chamberline affair on reading coronoers report i can not believe the things that were done and not done if u cant get a job anywhere go to the territory and get a job as a policeman or lawyer they r a joke just a bloody joke and that is being kind to them let them stick to their t shirts and thongs and dont come before tuesday not after thursday not before 10am and not after 4pm and no i dont think they r any good as security guards either

  3. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Also a relative of Michael. This was more like him being put on trial when he wasn't there to defend a thing!!! Come on its soon to be five years with no justice! Michael I hope you haunt those men every night in their sleep!!
