Friday, June 10, 2011

Thug Washington cops assault handicapped man for throwing rubbish in a bin!

He resisted the cops in self defense because he could not see that he had done anything wrong

A mute man whose treatment by Olympia police prompted about 100 people to show up at a City Council meeting this week in protest had attempted to flee three times before his arrest, according to a police report released Wednesday.

Scott Yoos, 45, of Olympia pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Olympia Municipal Court to charges of criminal trespass and obstructing justice. He is scheduled to return to court Aug. 1.

Protesters at the City Council meeting said Yoos’ June 1 arrest, which culminated in officers throwing him to the ground and handcuffing him, was an example of police brutality. Yoos was just throwing away garbage in a trash bin when he was arrested, they said. Yoos can hear but cannot speak.

Police officers say they used the force necessary to detain Yoos, who was not cooperating.

Yoos did not respond to an email seeking comment on the police report. Yoos told a reporter in writing Tuesday that he had been advised by lawyers not to comment on details of the case.

According to police reports:

Olympia Police Officer Randy Wilson was on patrol in a marked police vehicle at 11:34 p.m. when he spotted Yoos on a bicycle in the Twister Donuts parking lot at 2302 Fourth Ave. E.

He spotted Yoos’ “hands coming out of the dumpster as if he had thrown something in it or taken something out of it.” Wilson drove toward Yoos, who “quickly got on his bicycle and tried to leave.”

The officer left his car and told Yoos to “come here.” Yoos did not look at the officer and began to pedal away, but Wilson grabbed the bike and told Yoos he was not free to leave.

Yoos used sign language and again got on his bicycle and tried to leave, prompting Wilson to stop him again. “At this point I was detaining the male for investigation of criminal trespass,” Wilson wrote. About the same time, Officer Sam Costello arrived.

Wilson pulled out a note pad to communicate with Yoos. “Do you have ID?” Wilson wrote. No, Yoos responded in sign language. “What have I done wrong?” he wrote.

“Criminal trespass,” Wilson responded. “I threw away a bag, is that illegal?” Yoos wrote. “You’d rather I littered?”

Also according to police reports:

Costello radioed for Officer Jason Watkins, who knows some sign language. Yoos tried to ride away again, and Costello blocked him. Wilson again said, “You are not free to leave.”

Costello took Yoos’ bike. Yoos signed “very emphatically, slapping his hands together hard and making some sort of gesture under his chin,” Wilson wrote. “He was to a point where I believed he could become assaultive.”

Yoos attempted to take the bike from Costello, and the two struggled. Wilson grabbed Yoos and pulled him backward away from the bike, and Yoos continued to resist.

Wilson got Yoos to the ground on a third attempt with Costello’s help. Yoos continued to resist as he was placed in handcuffs. Wilson put his knee on Yoos’ back to detain him on the ground; Yoos continued to try to roll away. Wilson told Yoos he was under arrest and handcuffed him.

At one point, Costello tried to remove a bag Yoos was carrying by removing one of his handcuffs, prompting Yoos to resist again, at which point Costello used “pain compliance.” Yoos then “stomped down with his left foot, using his shoe to step forcefully on my right toes,” Costello wrote. As Yoos was led to a patrol car, he kicked Sgt. Paul Johnson, who had recently arrived, in the left upper leg, the report says.

Costello described Yoos’ injuries as “some minor bleeding from scuffing-type abrasions on his hands” and said Yoos did not request aid and aid was not summoned. Costello wrote that he would expect Yoos would experience pain and/or injury to his left wrist, face and/or forehead.

Watkins described asking Yoos if he remembered being told by another officer in the past that he could not be on the donut shop’s property at night, and Yoos responded that he received permission from a male employee of the shop. Yoos told him he was throwing garbage away because he didn’t want to litter.

Yoos told Watkins he resisted “because he had his bicycle stolen from underneath of him and he had done nothing wrong.” City Manager Steve Hall declined to comment, and Police Chief Ronnie Roberts did not return calls seeking comment. His secretary said he was out of the office.

Hall and Roberts did not address the matter at the City Council meeting Tuesday. Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Buxbaum told the crowd at the meeting that he met with the city manager and police chief Monday and talked about starting “a very deliberative process” on the police issue, preferably a structured forum.

Original report here

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