Saturday, March 26, 2011

Must not criticize red light cameras

One man’s battle with corrupt city officials in Scottsdale, Ariz., who, he says, are controlled by executives at one of the nation’s largest red-light camera companies, is highlighted in a new video.

On Tuesday, Neville Cramer, a veteran of almost 30 years in local and federal law enforcement, told an Arizona television talk show host about how he was charged and convicted of a serious crime despite being able to produce evidence proving he was innocent of the charge against him.

Cramer’s story casts a pall on a slew of misleading television spots that, along with a saturation campaign of radio advertisements, are promoting photo-enforcement systems as a means of increasing safety at intersections in Missouri.

According to one report, the ads are being run by the National Coalition for Safer Roads which is, according to the NCSR website, “supported by American Traffic Solutions.”

Locally, Matt Hay doesn’t buy into the ATS message and is actively campaigning against it in Missouri. Success for his effort is defined on his group’s Wrong On Red Facebook Page as being realized only when the Missouri General Assembly passes legislation that results in a “complete prohibition on all photo-enforcement systems installed or operated by any political subdivision on ANY roadway within the Great State of Missouri.”

Original report here

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