Thursday, October 28, 2010

Useless British police ignored mother's 102 warnings her daughter was being abused by her father... who then stabbed teenager to death

And the nergligent cops involved are going to be "supported" by their bosses!

A mother called police to report that her teenage daughter was being abused by her father 102 times before he killed her, an inquiry has found. Gary Fisher, 48, stabbed his 17-year-old daughter, Chanelle 'Sasha' Jones 22 times in a car and then drove her lifeless body around for ten hours before he was caught by police near her home town of Cardigan, West Wales.

Yesterday it emerged that the victim's mother Jayne Jones begged Dyfed Powys Police for help, contacting them over 100 times to report the abuse, but officers thought she was 'over-reacting'.

Fisher, who is separated from Miss Jones, was jailed for life in March this year for his daughter's murder. A jury at Swansea Crown Court rejected his claims that his daughter wanted to die because she had been raped.

Yesterday a report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) revealed that officers failed to take the victim's mother seriously, despite Fisher’s history of violence. Officers failed to notice that Fisher had a police record and that he was wanted for a serious assault by another police force. Four officers are now facing disciplinary action.

Tom Davies, the IPCC commissioner for Wales, said: 'This is one of those cases where the force was called out on numerous occasions and there was a tendency for some officers to characterise some of Sasha's mother's concerns and allegations as her 'tending to over-react'.” He added that the officers had not accorded with 'best practice and policy' for dealing with reports of possible domestic abuse.

However, the IPCC concluded that no individual errors 'had any impact on Fisher’s later actions when he murdered Sasha'. The report found officers acted properly during the search for the teenager after her mother had raised the alarm when she went missing in August last year.

Miss Jones called 999 to report that Sasha was visiting her father and she feared for her safety after she had failed to return home. But the IPCC said that she was likely to be already dead by the time police were called.

Yesterday Jackie Roberts, Deputy Chief Constable of Dyfed Powys Police, said: 'Firstly I would like to express my condolences to Sasha’s family for their sad loss. 'We have noted the findings of the independent IPCC investigation and acknowledge that there are areas in relation to the historic involvement with the family which could have been dealt with better. The IPCC acknowledge that the historic individual errors are not suggested to have influenced the tragic outcome in this case.

'We are committed to follow up the recommendations made from both policy and operational perspectives which will assist us in delivering a high quality of service and making improvements where necessary. 'The officers identified as having dealt with previous incidents will be supported in terms of advice and guidance on dealing with such matters and the lessons learnt communicated accordingly.'

Original report here

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