Monday, May 10, 2010

U.S. police beating of innocent Mexican -- Officer is filmed stamping on man's head

Police in the United States have been plunged into a race row over a video showing two officers attacking and racially abusing an innocent.

In the video, a male and female officer are seen taking turns to stamp on the suspected armed robber's head as he lies face down on the pavement.

The policeman says 'I'm going to beat the f****** Mexican p*** out of you homey' before realising he was not involved in the crime and helping him up.

The video has emerged at a time when race has become an explosive issue among Latin Americans.... Activists are likely to see the video as their own 'Rodney King moment', a reference to the black man badly beaten by police which sparked the Los Angeles riots in 1991 when the officers who attacked him were acquitted.

The new video emerged in Seattle and was shot by a photographer as police responded to an emergency call out of an armed robbery in the car park of a night club.

The Mexican man is detained around half a mile away from where it took place and is forced on the floor face down.

A male officer is seen stamping on his head and raking it over his face and saying: 'I'm going to beat the fucking Mexican piss out of you homey? You feel me?' A female police officer is then seen stamping on the back of the man's left knee as he lies prone.

Once they realise the man is not the person they are looking after, they give him a hand and help him up but despite the fact he clearly looks woozy, they offer him no medical help.

Afterwards the man, in his 20s, told the photographer who had filmed the incident: 'They kicked me in the head. I don't know why, they just kicked me in the head, they knocked me down and kicked me in the head. 'I had nothing to do with what was going on.'

Don Van Blaircom, an expert on police practice, said the stamping was unjustifiable. He said: 'I suppose I could speculate on some excuse but looking at the actual facts as recorded in the video I just don't see any'.

Seattle-based immigrant advocacy group OneAmerica added the video was the 'latest example of ongoing racial profiling both locally and nationally.'

Viewers to local TV station KIRO 7 Eyewitness News, which aired the footage, left sickened comments on its website. 'Wow...I don't even have words....this turned my stomach and made me sick. I am so tired of watching stories of police officers abusing their power and avoiding their real duties,' said one.

The incident happened on April 17 but only came to light when the film was broadcast. The male officer seen kicking the man is reportedly Gang Unit Detective Shandy Cobane, who has spent 16 years on the police force and was named president of his cadet class. He and the woman officer been reassigned as police carry out an internal review.

Seattle police chief John Diaz said he was 'very disappointed in what has occurred'. 'In the heat of the moment, people make mistakes but, once again, I understand that,' he said. 'However, we have a strong commitment of insuring that we hold all our officers accountable'.

Original report here (Video at link)

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    We've all seen these videos before and we'll see them again until dramatic reforms are undertaken.

    The root of all society's current problems is the system of corruption that now pervades American's system of justice. All other societal problems are systems of the root cause. The fact is the videotaped behavior in this article didn't capture anything unusual in an "emergency". The above behavior is routine hour by hour, day by day, year after year. Incompetence (the victim apparently had nothing to do with the robbery), Incompetence (if the pig filth animals had a safety concern- why not apply handcuffs), arrogance, self-entitlement (pig filth join because the average pay plus benefits plus special benefits plus bribes beats the heck out of actual work) , racism, and inbred stupidity. We have reached a point in American society where because of the pay scales (well over six digit salaries to FBI scum, judges, city attorney's, prosecutor's etc) and the power and the culture of incidents above, the worst of all American's are attracted to the system which continues to spiral downwards. Today's American system of justice has very little to do with civilized law and has much to do with CONTROL, oppression and self serving scum who join the justice system not out of public service but because of the substantially larger paychecks and unaccountable power afforded government employees. Above we have an incident where a group of fellow gutless pig animal scum stand and watch while their fellows for no apparent reason apply their feet to an innocent man. This incident was nothing unusual to every office present other than the exception in that it was video taped and made public in spite of a number of attempts by the press and the police to keep it covered uip.

    We've all seen these videos before and we will see them again until dramatic reforms are enacted and severe penalties are enacted for this type of pig filth behavior.
