Thursday, March 27, 2008

Crazy Canada again

Several times a week I go on the net or go to several international news services, scan many a paper and periodical and watch the local news to find items which I believe deserve to be disturbing enough to be mentioned here in my column. Every subject has touched a nerve in me on some level, but few have infuriated me as much as this next item. As much as I love my birth place of Toronto, it truly isn’t the city of my youth. Crime is the most horrific poison that exists in our society today and much of the ills of our society such as drugs, violence and abuse are tied to a society infrastructure that is incapable to properly combat it. One of last glimmers of hope are the good men and women of the Toronto Police who do their utmost to protect and serve us in these times of extreme liberalism and the evolvement of a judicial system that protects the rights of the criminal without, in many cases, offering such a luxury to not only the innocent victims of crime but also to the people on the job that protect our citizens. This week an item appeared in a local paper that highlights the above problem in a clarity that I have seldom witnessed in my journalistic career.

Ontario Justice Carol Brewer this week handed down her written ruling and dismissed criminal charges against a citizen by the name of Fitzroy Osbourne who was charged last year for causing a disturbance and for striking a female police officer who had stopped to talk to Mr. Osbourne. It seems that Officer Judy Grant, of the Toronto Police Services, was subjected to an obscenity laced tirade from Osbourne and attempted to detain him to explain his erratic actions. In the confrontation that followed, Osbourne struck the offending officer with a punch to the female officer’s chest.

Justice Brewer ruled that the accused was within his rights to do so to the officer who he claimed unjustifiably detained him and in doing so opened a Pandora’s Box that will effectively put handcuffs not on the deserving scumbag criminals but on the wrists of the police that have to bravely combat open warfare crime on the streets. Brewer is a poster person for everything that is wrong in this once safe and beautiful city of ours. Can you imagine what long term implications her misguided ruling may affect policing in this city with the ever growing crime statistics? May I be the first to apologize to Officer Grant and tell her not to be offended by such a disgusting ruling by another member of an entrenched left wing judicial system whose actions not only negatively interfere with the polices ability to handle crime, but puts every officer in even more danger in the pursuit and apprehension of such scumbag potential criminals. Justice Brewer, you may never see this column but believe me with your injudicious ruling of last week, you did as much to effectively aid crime as the gun in a murderer’s belt or the bags of dope in the pockets of a drug dealer. You should be ashamed.

Report here

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)

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