Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Scooter Libby verdict: The InJustice Department Strikes Again

There were two explanations for what Scooter Libby said: That he had a bad memory and that he deliberately lied. Why the jury did not give him the benefit of the doubt on that is rather mysterious but accounts of their deliberations suggest that their verdicts were motivated by a general anger at the machinations discussed in the course of the trial rather than by the actual question in front of them. The post below is taken from Dagney's Rant -- which see for links

As much as I'd like to see President Bush pardon Scooter Libby, after the shameful case brought against him by Fitzgerald, I'd prefer to see Scooter's challenge to the verdict be a success. He needs his reputation back...especially since he did nothing wrong to cause this travesty to be filed against him! I am so angry over this horrid miscarriage of justice that my blood pressure is soaring! Fitzgerald could not accuse Scooter of "outing" a covert CIA agent, because she clearly was NOT covert. Fitzgerald would have been out of a job had he not found someone to prosecute for SOMETHING, and Scooter's lack of photographic memory made him the likely candidate to insure his continued salary! Disgusting! He had NO MANDATE to prosecute memory loss, just outers of whats-her-face. (She's already had too much coverage for me to give her anymore....grrrr!)

The InJustice Dept. lets Sandy (Documents-in-his-pants) Berger-Burglar off with a slap on the wrist for stealing documents from the National Archives. They have filed no action against William Jefferson (D-LA) who had $90,000 stashed in his freezer. Getting a clue why I've renamed our so-called Justice Department?

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)

1 comment:

  1. I suggest Sandy "Cargo Pants" Berger as a name for that former official. You can really get pants with large pockets on the outside, and these would be just the ticket for Mr. Berger.
