The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved.
The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The killer will serve approximately a third of his three year sentence
A knife-wilding chef who killed a teenager outside a takeaway restaurant was jailed for three years yesterday. Boshor Uddin, 41, claimed he caught Jason Mayze, 16 stealing chicken from a container outside the Balti Spice in St Helens. Uddin pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The victim's mother said: "Three years for taking a life is a disgrace."
Report here
I am writing to ask for your help and support for two brave U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean of El Paso, TX who were abandoned by their command and hung out to dry in the greatest miscarriage of justice I’ve ever seen. You can learn the specifics of this case that epitomizes injustice at our website, FriendsOfTheBorderPatrol.com, and review media coverage featuring an exclusive article by Sara Carter who was granted this exclusive interview by Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos.
I have personally investigated the entire case, after being contacted by a family member of Agent Ramos in March 2005 one month after an incident that led to criminal charges and convictions of two Border Patrol agents in El Paso, Texas by an overzealous prosecutor. I contend as do a number of Texas Border Sheriffs that they are innocent of any and all criminal conduct, as this was an administrative matter that should have solely ended in a 5-day suspension to all agents that day for not reporting the shooting incident and assault on a Border Patrol agent to the FBI per DHS guidelines. The only agents to suffer have been Ramos and Compean. In fact, when you read my recent testimony on our website as I presented it to the House Judiciary Committee led by Congressman Sensenbrenner, the only thing that was criminal that took place was the conduct of the government.
After investigating the incident, and discussing it with my sources and contacts I was as angry with our government as I have ever been, as these two brave agents put their lives on the line to stop a drug smuggler from succeeding in driving his load of 743 pounds of narcotics into the U.S. For this action, these men were charged with a crime they did not commit and now face a minimum of 20 years in federal prison.
Evidence was prevented from being introduced by the defense after overzealous prosecutor Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Kanof won a questionable ruling from Federal Judge Kathleen Cardone. Her ruling meant that evidence, which included assaults against agents, shooting incidents, and Mexican Military incursions, would be taken on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, none of these incidents were allowed as evidence to be used by the defense.
The U.S. Border Patrol's El Paso Sector abandoned these agents and hung them out to dry, which at the time was led by Chief Patrol Agent Luis Barker, who has since served as Deputy National Chief of the Border Patrol. In all honesty, the agency is making an example of these two agents because verbal orders to stand down have been ignored. With this case the message has sent shock waves through the Border Patrol, with agents understanding clearly that they could be next. What message you ask, “If you try to secure the border, and tangle with drug smugglers, you could go to prison.” In fact, if you've read the interview I did with the New American Magazine this past May 2, 2006 you are very familiar with Mr. Barker. I discussed him prominently in this article, which you can also read at our website.
To quote many Texas Border Sheriffs I interviewed including El Paso County Sheriff Leo Samaniego, and Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West, "These men should have been decorated for stopping a drug smuggler... these men are not criminals and should not be going to jail."
Friends, this is a dark hour for our nation, because this case is the most disgusting charade and miscarriage of justice imaginable. It's beyond words, and description.
This dangerous precedent benefits narcotic and human smugglers. Mr. Davila, the smuggler you will read about was never charged, or booked though he admitted trafficking the narcotics into Fabens, TX that fateful day. Also, when he was later busted with over 1,000 pounds of narcotics, an indictment was sealed, and later expunged by the government. In fact, questionable details have finally been shed as to how the DHS Office of Inspector General was even contacted, which was by a fellow Border Patrol Agent in Willcox, AZ who is tied to Davila, and not only provided comfort to a known drug smuggler, but even told him what to say in testimony, and arranged for the drug smuggler to get an attorney to sue the Border Patrol.
I was able to arrange an interview on behalf of the family with Sara Carter of the Daily Bulletin who recently met with Agent Ramos, his wife, and father in-law. I am truly grateful that Ms. Carter took time out from an extremely busy schedule on my recommendation to meet with them and hear their story, which is now being published by the Daily Bulletin.
This case is proof beyond all doubt that the Department of Justice and DHS will ignore facts to assist with national administration open border policies and directives, which weaken our national security. Before most people just figured that the open border policies was being used to help facilitate the cheap labor, but never thought that they’d go so far as to help smugglers bring narcotics, humans, and I am certain terrorists into our nation. This prosecution has destroyed the lives of these brave agents, who according to their fellow agents are the guys you want in the foxhole next to you during wartime. The impact on their families has left them completely devastated, while the impact on the agency will be felt for years as agents are terrified of becoming the next Ramos & Compean, the first Border Patrol agents to be convicted and sent to prison for doing their job.
We must band together for these brave agents, my friends Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean, because outside of their families and faith, we're all they have left. They are running out of time, and now is the time to drop everything else and fight for them as they are fighting for their lives. If they lose, their wives lose their husbands, and their children lose their fathers. The agents lose their names, and reputations. We as a nation lose if they lose, and why? What agent in their right mind would ever think to stop a smuggler again knowing they have more rights and are more credible though caught in the act of a crime? Our government betrayed my friends, Agents Ramos and Compean and we must defend them, as they have defended our nation and fought to keep those smugglers and their drugs off our streets.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me by writing to andy@friendsoftheborderpatrol.com and I will forward any comments of support to the agents and their families, who I am in regular contact with. To learn how you can help, or to make a donation to assist their legal defense fund, or to help our expenses as we assist on this case, (you will receive a 100% tax write-off due to our tax-exempt status) go to our website, FriendsOfTheBorderPatrol.com.
We must do all we can to correct their miscarriage of justice so that this never happens to any agent ever again. I warn you, you will be as angry as you have ever been after reading the article by Sara Carter.
Report here
(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)
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