The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved.
The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
This case was due for a new hearing about now but no details online yet
A woman, Diane Fleming, has recently been sentenced to 50 years in prison in Troy, Virginia. Her husband, Charles, died of "acute and chronic methanol poisoning," according to the autopsy report. In a two day trial, the jury was persuaded that he was poisoned with methyl alcohol from the windshield washer fluid during festivities for their son's high school graduation; however, it was also admitted that the fluid discovered in the garage was unopened and contained exactly the amount of methanol supposed to be in an unopened and sealed bottle of windshield washer fluid.
That Charles was addicted to aspartame sweetened "diet" drinks, "all he ever drank," which release cumulatively toxic levels of methanol into the bloodstream, was never considered at the trial. That aspartame becomes methanol and formaldehyde when ingested by all humans evidently was not part of the jury's deliberations. That it also precipitates diabetes and interacts with insulin, triggers lupus, birth defects, male sexual dysfunction - can trigger an irregular heart rhythm and interacts with all cardiac medication, damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death., as well as behavioral problems, obesity, ADD, ADHD, depletes serotonin triggering such things as bipolar, suicidal tendencies, mood swings, insomnia, etc. and triggers memory loss and confusion and lack of concentration---not part of the jury's deliberations...
His death occurred in 2000; the trial was in 2002 in Richmond; He had been drinking 10 diet beverages a day, as well as taking a prescription drug, Metrex, had been playing basketball, came home, announced that he was ill, then declined his wife's request to call 911. After he died, his wife called the police, gave them the bottles of Gatorade; she took a lie detector test and the police told her that she answered truthfully. The results were not admissible. Very little of the Prosecution's flawed logic in this two-day trial was effectively questioned by her lawyer.
The medical examiner for the Richmond District, Dr. Marcella Fierro, M.D., apparently chose to reject peer-reviewed documents, affidavits, and articles on methanol toxicity, yet several had indeed been sent to her and handed to her, particularly that of Dr. H.J. Roberts, M.D. He is the author of a 1038 page medical text, ASPARTAME DISEASE; AN IGNORED EPIDEMIC, and he has treated victims of aspartame for 20 years; his date base contains case histories of 1200 aspartame reactions. This could be one of the ultimate horrors of miscarried Justice in America: if an innocent woman is now imprisoned because her husband poisoned himself with a recognized neurotoxic additive which a phalanx of MD's, neurotoxicologists and clinicians have thus identified, because the chief medical examiner states "there is no legitimate scientific basis to conclude that aspartame ingestion played any role in Chuck's methanol poisoning."
The late Morgan Raiford, M.D., an important methanol toxicity specialist who owned the Atlanta Eye Hospital wrote in 1986: "aspartame should be withdrawn from the market place until the Toxic Methyl Alcohol radical has been eliminated. Methyl alcohol has no place in a product to be allowed to be produced by any manufacturer for human use."
Does Dr. Fierro have some reason for not wanting these documents and affidavits to be part of the record? Perhaps they would open up lawsuits regarding aspartame and the fact that its toxicity would be proven and thus become prima facie evidence in later cases? This would be tragic, but certainly correctable by higher courts. Can Dr. Fierro give some other reason to you and your readers? In fact, a spectrographic analysis could have precisely revealed the manufacturer of the methanol!
Report from here. See also here
(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)
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