Thursday, September 08, 2005


"There's little question that free speech is endangered in America today. Witness, for example, those protesters at both the Democrat and Republican national conventions who were relegated to "free speech zones." Consider hate speech laws that are often broad and, as a result, even more broadly interpreted. Remember that we now know that protesters in California were the subject of surveillance by the National Guard, and that the FBI, too, has been monitoring those who would speak out. There have been noises made that Internet 'bloggers should, perhaps, be subject to campaign finance reform laws (which, as they currently exist, are effectively free speech curbs). And then take note of the fact that an Ohio prosecutor recently referred to a 'blogger as a "paper terrorist," and you'll begin to get an even clearer picture as to just how endangered our First Amendment rights have become.

Bryan DuBois is a former marine who lives in northern Ohio with his wife and two young children. When an area attorney began logging complaints of corruption in local government, he took an interest. When Elsebeth Baumgartner was subsequently arrested, charged numerous times with numerous crimes, disbarred, and, it is claimed, harassed by officials, he determined to take a role. It's been just about a year since DuBois began producing his politically oriented 'blog. Entitled "Erie Voices" after the Ohio county in which he resides, the 'blog is his way of publicizing and demanding accountability for what he says is unacceptable if not illegal behavior among local and Ohio state officials ranging from prosecutors to politicians, and from judges to law enforcement personnel.

This summer, DuBois was arrested himself and formally charged with a variety of offenses in two Ohio counties. The charges are serious and could see him jailed if he is convicted. After his arrest, DuBois spent some three weeks behind bars with a combined bail of $190,000. The bail was eventually reduced, and DuBois is currently out on bond and awaiting further legal proceedings. With the permission of his attorney, DuBois agreed to be interviewed via email about his activism and the price he may have to pay for it.


Lady Liberty: You were recently arrested and charged with varying offenses in two different Ohio counties. Exactly what is it you're accused of doing?

Bryan DuBois: I was indicted on seven felony counts of "extortion," "intimidation," "retaliation," and "possession of criminal tools" in Cuyahoga and Ottawa Counties. The criminal tool is the computer I'm typing on right now. For some reason — as you can see — it was not confiscated.

I'm accused of sending an "intimidating" email to a judge who I've conversed with a half dozen times after he received the email. He knew that I was writing about his activity in court - and tried to act like he welcomed the scrutiny. During a court recess, I flirted with him about getting his autograph on a book he wrote (Ohio Civil Procedure) and he laughed and told me that his signature wasn't worth anything. He warmly greeted me every time he saw me in court (addressing me on the record sometimes) - but now, apparently as a result of some of the things I wrote about him, he's claiming that I "intimidated" him seven months ago.

LL: It's likely that none of this would have happened to you if you hadn't established Erie Voices or taken such an active interest in the accusations made by Elsebeth Baumgartner. Why did you first get involved?

BD: I started the 'blog because I think that the press is the ultimate check on government - and I've heard stories about government powers running wild in Erie and Ottawa Counties because of the lack of accountability forced by the local establishment media. When the media becomes too friendly with the government, bad things can happen.

So the purpose of my 'blog is to get the stories to the public that go unreported by the local media. This act in itself seems to be revolutionary enough to make me a target of those who have been protected by their friends in the media, in particular, the local prosecutors who pretty much violate the law at will without any repercussions. Much of my 'blog is exposing documentation that proves misconduct in the offices of local prosecutors.... "

Much more here

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)

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