Friday, September 23, 2005


Will he get his money back? Not likely! It's getting so that DNA testing should always be required before any payment order is made

The mistress of convicted murderer Scott Peterson is back in the spotlight after a DNA test showed that her first child was not fathered by the man who has been paying child support. Fresno hairstylist Anthony Flores, 29, has been paying Frey $175 a month for nearly four years, his attorney, Glenn Wilson, said Wednesday. The father of the 4-year-old girl is actually Fresno restaurant owner Christopher Funch, Wilson said. No one answered the telephone at Porky's Rib House on Wednesday, and Funch did not have a listed home number.

"You'd think that Amber Frey's notoriety would have died down," Wilson said. "Unfortunately, she's like a bad penny, she keeps coming back." Wilson said Flores was preparing to file a court motion seeking visitation rights, which he has been denied, when the man received word last week that he was not the child's father. "Amber always asserted to him that he was the only guy she was sleeping with during that time period so Anthony's never had any reason to question it," Wilson said. "Anthony's big thing is that his reputation has been harmed. This poor guy can't go anywhere without people pointing at him."

Flores said he feels duped. She was very convincing when she told me I was the only person who could be the father," he said. "I want an apology."

Frey, a massage therapist from Fresno, was Peterson's mistress when he killed his pregnant wife, Laci, in December 2003. Her testimony helped prosecutors convict the fertilizer salesman, who was sentenced to death. Frey's attorney, Gloria Allred, said Wednesday that her client never intended to deceive Flores. "Amber, in good faith, always believed that Mr. Flores was her child's father," Allred said. Frey also has another child by a different man.

Report here

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)

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